Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Advice from Elisabeth and Erin

Question from J:
"i was supposed to hand out papers for work, but wasn't getting paid for it, so instead I stock-piled them in my room. Any idea for what to do with 100s of glossy fliers?"

Advice from Erin:
Might as well get artsy crafty and passive aggressive at the same time.
1. make a mixture of flour and water (1 part flour, 2 parts water) add some salt - to prevent mold (see below post)
2. cut the paper into strips
3. let the strips soak in the mixture for a few hours
4. in the meantime, crumple up remaining paper into the shape of a hand sticking up the middle finger (and this point, you'll need to decide if a giant bird-flipping hand or many smaller hands will best fit your needs.)
5. neatly cover the "hand" or "hands" in the gooey paper strips (stop for a moment, and think about how your house smells like preschool... nice!)
6. let dry, paint if you feel like it.
7. bring the hand/s to work.
keep them at home, as a nice quiet reassurance that you showed them, even if they have no idea.

Elisabeth's advice:
Elisabeth heartily concurs with Erin on this one, because the many tiny hands would also prove to be a good deterent to burglars and relatives and... anyone, really.

But maybe you want to enrich your life with these fliers?

Do you remember that home ec assignment where you carry around a bag of flour like it's a baby (your baby)? Make these fliers your new children. Carry them around, talk to them, and most importantly, show people photos of yourself and your offspring. Make sure to say things like, "well, I knew I was marrying the company, but I didn't know I was having its children! hah hah! Seriously, I love the little tykes.", "The best part is I don't have to pay for childcare, it's totally okay to bring them to work with me. Besides, I just love to show them off to you guys!"
It's good that you have 100s of glossy fliers, because they don't do well in the real world and you may find yourself having to "replace" your progeny regularly due to smudges, normal wear and tear, water stains, etc. You probably shouldn't tell people you do this, however, and you definitely should not give your children consecutive names, ie, Jennifer 1, Jennifer 2, Jennifer 3, etc. Also, if you currently smoke, you might want to stop.

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