Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The video recording has killed the radiostars

When I was at home last week, I unearthed this lovely script from Elisabeth and Erin's radio drama in 2002. (while it only ran 6 weeks, it was Vermont's most popular program broadcasted only in Japanese) Since many of our readers do not read Japanese, I have painstakingly translated the original script -- and by "painstakingly translated" I mean, "click the translate button on babelfish.com) Enjoy.

E: And, it is the radio host.
Huri: Don't you think?, is the script of erin and drama where?
E: aaa, with script shank.
Huri: The script is necessary.
E: To tell the truth this week being busy, there was no time when you write the script, it is.
Huri: The [do] doing, you didn't say before?
E: Oh, there is thought. You will telephone in the other student.
Huri: You do not understand.
E: Please hear (phosphorus phosphorus) the potato it does. It is not completed, but the small survey is done, but you be able to ask, it probably is what?
Person 1: Please the [u].
E: Does the refrigerator move?
Person 1: Just a little please wait. It is, moves.
E: Then, the one which is caught is better, is! 
E and Huri: Well with something? ([ahahaha])
Huri: doing, you don't make see?
E: Please the [u]. It does.
Huri: It is not completed, but. The survey it has done, but it is possible to ask, is?
Person 2: That, it is, please the [u].
Huri: Does the refrigerator move?
Person 2: The [a], it does not move. Thank you.
E: It will try doing all right other. It will make Coffrin Lounge. It does. It is not completed. (phosphorus phosphorus)
Erin: As for [wata] it is and others the plain gauze is? Name under is [shigakusai].
Person 3: I am ill-smelling, is?
E and Huri: Hamadryas baboon hamadryas baboon hamadryas baboon.
E: The [a], there is thought. (phosphorus phosphorus)
It does. [kenji] which is not completed it is and others the plain gauze is? Person 4: Number is different.
E: The [a], there is thought. (phosphorus phosphorus)
It does. [kenji] which is not completed it is and others the plain gauze is? Person 4: Number is different.
E: The [a], there is thought. (phosphorus phosphorus)
It does. [kenji] which is not completed it is and others the plain gauze is? Person 4: Number is different.
E: (phosphorus phosphorus) it does. It does, it is [kenji], but in something was there a message?
E and Huri: It was splendid, is!
E: Once more the beginning doing, it is like. It does, cannot point to just a little question?
Person 5: (Foreign language)
E: does the refrigerator move?
Person 5: (Foreign language)
The [a], and, the one which is caught is better, is!
E and Huri: It was splendid, is.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mr. Winkle Photo Diary

Photos of Mr. Winkle, the cutest dog in the world, with commentary:

Mr. Winkle, known for his stunning originality, stands out in even the most cloying crowds (Now who's the real Slim Shady?).

Mr. Winkle's environmental philanthropy is legendary.

Mr. Winkle is the perfect accompaniment to any fine dining experience.

Even after a hard night out on the town, Mr. Winkle never neglects the photo shoots that form most of his careers, even if they're really early in the %$#%@ morning.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Do it Yourself, or run away -- Fancy Sausage Hat

Monday, January 12, 2009

FAQs and Banana Yoshimoto

Have you read Yoshimoto Banana’s FAQs on her website? You should (copyright Yoshimoto).
In the meantime, I have made some FAQs to my own life, inspired by her extremely realistic answers. Erin? Anyone else?

Name: Elisabeth Teeth: 32

Q. Do you have any pets?
A. I don’t per se, but I consider the children of the world my pets.

Q. What is your favorite 200 C.E. novel?
A. The Golden Ass.

Q. This next question has two parts: 1) Do you mean to deny Lady Murasaki’s long-touted claim to the world’s first novel with The Tale of Genji? and 2) Is that porn?
A. 1) Yes. 2) Kind of.

Q. Sometimes I can’t tell if you’re angry at me.
A. It’s there though.

Q. I borrowed something from you and I lost it. Should I tell you, or just buy a new one?
A. You should tell me; maybe I don’t like that thing very much and I would prefer you buy me something else, or nothing.

Q. Do you have any tattoos?
A. I have one of the Director General of the Mexican Consulate, L.A., on my left shoulder, and one of a Russian Spy Satellite on my heel.

Q. What’s this about a Russian Spy Satellite?
A. Is no Russian Spy Satellite. Definitely not reassigned to nice location near Starbucks so can get latte while you get comfortable - or no get comfortable, but is nicer to get comfortable, yes?

Q. Can you tell me a joke?
A. What side of a church does a tree grow on?
The outside.

Q. Can you please send me your resume and I’ll keep in on file.
A. Of course.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Federal application for tax assement advisor