Photos of Mr. Winkle, the cutest dog in the world, with commentary:
Mr. Winkle, known for his stunning originality, stands out in even the most cloying crowds (Now who's the real Slim Shady?).
Mr. Winkle's environmental philanthropy is legendary.
Mr. Winkle is the perfect accompaniment to any fine dining experience.
Even after a hard night out on the town, Mr. Winkle never neglects the photo shoots that form most of his careers, even if they're really early in the %$#%@ morning.
is Mr. Winkle bludging baby seals with his tongue in that photo?
I think he probably licked them and got his tongue stuck from the cold. You notice it never quite gets back in his mouth.
he also can't quite every stand or sit up straight... Mr. Winkle is heavily inbred, no?
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