Monday, January 7, 2008

Free Advice... by Elisabeth and Erin... for you... Part 1

And now, for a new segment, Free Advice Starring Elisabeth and Erin:

Today's problem:
"I don't think my boss likes me" (from M. in South Africa)
You can catch more flies with honey, so here's what you do,
1. bake a cake
2. bring the cake to work
3. photocopy the cake....
if that doesn't work, you could always put a fish in his/her filing cabinet. Don't forget to correctly file the fish.... under F..... for FU.

You don't think your boss likes you? Do you know, or are you just guessing? It sounds to me like you're being the judgmental one. Your boss is your boss, not your best friend. It's not her job to make sure you feel warm and fuzzy every time you turn in a status report.
Then again, that sounds like a stressful work environment for your boss, so, you're probably right, she probably doesn't like you. "Oh look, here comes that co-dependent M. from South Africa, gonna want to be my friend again, what a pain!" is what your boss probably says when she sees you.
My advice? Get a dog and a leash.

Ps. great idea Erin!

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