Thursday, January 17, 2008

Free Advice from Erin and Elisabeth: Part Deux

Dear Funnee with Two E's:
I un-friended this guy from my Facebook account because I don't like him. A month later, he sends me an add friend request asking if I've un-friended him! I think that's indelicate. What do I do?

Has Already been Tactful Enough, Wyoming

Elisabeth's response:
Dear HATE in Wyoming,
You got found out. Now he knows you don't like him. Or rather, he doesn't seem to get it, because otherwise why would he ask you so innocently? Answer: he's a jerk. He knows full well you don't like him and he's pushing your hand, trying to get you to back down and let him back into your inner sanctum. Don't let him. He broke the tacit rules of relationships (1. don't make casual friendships into more than they are, 2. don't make people explain why they don't like you) and you get to play on the same no-holds-barred battlefield. Just make sure you play intelligently.
Write him back and explain that your admiration, your feelings for him were too strong. You simplly could not be friends with him without it flooding your entire being and overwhelming you with its intensity. Thus, for both your sakes, but mostly your own, you un-friended him. You beg his pardon, but selfless as he is, you know he'll understand. Ever lovingly, etc. etc.

Erin's response:
Ok, so are you SURE you really wanted to un-friend him? In Facebook, "friend" is a relative term. There are many many reasons to have someone you don't like, let's call him Adam Sandler (sorry, I just saw Click... oh the horror), as a friend on facebook:
1. Adam knows people in the same industry as you (hello possible future career building introductions in the future!)
2. Adam is dating a friend of yours
3. Adam was a total jerk to you in high school and you can now use facebook to smuggly watch the trainwreck that is his life. thank you karma!
4. Adam knows people that might let you sleep on their couches
5. you don't have that many facebook friends to begin with (note, if you're pushing 600... it's time to prioritize)

That being said, if Adam doesn't fit into any of the above categories, then accept his friend request, but under "how do you know this person" you write "I un-friended him several months ago and he didn't get it" there. friendship done. (but seriously, are you sure you want to give up your ability to stalk this guy? you never know what the future might hold.)

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