Thursday, February 28, 2008

Vonage returns

Have you ever called Vonage Customer Service?
Maybe during lunch at work, and you put them on speakerphone?
And you misdialled the 1-866 as 1-800?
Yeah, that's a sex line, isn't it?

And maybe when you talk to Vonage they misspell your name as Fridddman, which is very diversity-aware of them to believe such a name even exists (2 vowels and 7 consonants?).

And then when you ask when you can expect your refund? they inform you they are posting it today and you can expect it in 3-5 business days - well, isn't that a coincidence!

But to be fair, this time the agent was able to look me up by my name (once spelled correctly), as opposed to previous agents who insisted without my account #, they "couldn't do anything." Which did seem to be generally true.

I'm almost sad the Vonage chapter of my life is closing, but I need the time off to properly engage my new adversary, Citibank, spammer #1 in my life.


Funny With 2 E's said...

I did get my Vonage refund - $116, after they subtracted the cancellation fee - everything else was refunded.
So, after 3 months of day-to-day aggravation, the only thing I had to pay for finally was to make them go away. Seems like they've been getting to know their customers.

Erin P said...

Yay! REFUND! Elisabeth wins! Good luck with your next fight, and be glad that you're not up agaist Humana next... they are vicious! "I'm sorry ma'am, we don't believe this was a necessary hospital visit" ... "but my foot was broken!"

Funny With 2 E's said...

mail them the foot.
Man, I am so angry at citibank and all those places that have untrained customer service reps, or just stubborn service reps like humana.

Me: Well, I'm canceling because getting my stolen card taken care of was a huge hassle, having to notarize statements and everything...
Him: You didn't have to notarize it.
Me: You told me I had to.
Him: Nope, people send it in un-notarized all the time, we deal with it just the same.
Me: I SPECIFICALLY asked if I had to get it notarized and they said absolutely.
Him: Nope, nope.

So notarizing is not the biggest deal...if you don't work 8:30-5:00, and you have a car, so you don't have to spend 1.5hrs on the bus in 15 degree weather on your saturday to have some bank clerk tell you she can't do it because you "already signed the form."

AND, they wouldn't give me the cash back dollars I'd earned because I hadn't reached $50 yet! And he kept trying to get me to keep my account open so I could earn enough to get the $$, which felt sleazy. I can't get angry enough about these people, I want to flame them on the internet.or the intranet.