Sunday, December 28, 2008

Gay Without a Day Protest

People were supposed to call in sick, but they were supposed to say they couldn't come in because they're gay. Unfortunately, it seems that a recession is absolutely the wrong time to try to get people to risk their jobs. (full article here:

a little quote from the article: <"Constantly lying about our weekends at the water cooler or changing pronouns, that takes up so much energy that we could be putting into our jobs," she said.>>

Elisabeth: Because if I had any extra energy, the first thing I'd direct it to would be my job, for sure. That's probably where the recession is coming from, actually.
Erin: Although, really, who DOESN'T lie about their weekend?? "did some work around the house, went out with some friends, you know" = "played world of warcraft for 30 hours, went up 3 levels"

For those who did call in, we'd imagine the call to go something like this:

Employee: hi, yeah I'm not coming into work today.
Boss: oh, ok.
Employee: yeah, because I'm gay.
Boss: um... ok
Employee: yeah, i can't come to work today because I'm gay.
Boss: so... do you want to use a sick day?
Employee: oh.. i didn't think about that
Boss: i mean, i don't mean you're sick... it's just you know.. you shouldn't have to take a vacation day... what is it like a strike?
Employee: I guess so, it's day without a gay.
Boss: are you going to demonstrate somewhere
Employee: I was just going to sleep in... and just you know, not be at work
Boss: oh, like ghandi
Employee: yeah, but I'm probably going to eat a lot.
Boss: but you'll be here tomorrow
Employee: yeah, for sure, it's "day without a gay" not "two days without a gay"
Boss: so does this mean John isn't coming in either?
Employee: John's gay?
Boss: no... but he would totally fake it to get the day off!
Employee: oh, for sure! Ok, well gotta go.
Boss: have a nice day without a gay
Employee: yeah, you too.


Becky said...

Haha, yeah, I'm not really sure who thought this was a good idea. If your employer is gay-friendly (like mine is), why the hell would you "call in gay"? And if they're raging homophobes, "calling in gay" makes even less sense, cuz you know, it's still nice to have a job and all...

Elisaboast said...

The social reverberations from thousands of white-collar gays not showing up to the staff meeting wouldn't have been too severe.