So, the first one shows how my Total Received Pay Rate (including tips) varries with the number of hours per shift. Notice it loosely follows a correlation path.

('night' and 'day' are mislabeled - they should be reversed)
I like to think I learned a lot about Excel in making these.
Then I thought I'd read Japanese stuff about my industry online; studying, as it were.
Some gems:
So, what they're saying is, you won't have a problem with this whatever-it-is even if you have 'gender difference.' Which sounds like you're either intersex or transgender. But what they mean is, if you're 'not male'. Wouldn't it be easier to just say that?
otoko no kata de wa nai kanashimi nado.
Next, take 多様化したニーズとそれに応えるクルマの関係 and mistranslate it and what do you get?
Diversified knees!
That'll keep you rolling for HOURS.
Finally, I'm in love with エルゴインデックス. First you think it's dirty, then you think ergo? Then you realize it's just hard to say. So many levels!
if you drink all their coffee and eat all their food it's sort of like undocumented income. so eat and drink to your heart's content!
but if I have all that undocumented income, won't it be hard to get married?
I do drink all the coffee, but we have to pay for the food!! except for the granola, because I kind of take that in a dishonest way.
you're a granola pilferer! didn't think ya had it in you. but it's funny, granola must be the most honest food out there really, am i wrong? i am, aren't I?
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