Friday, September 2, 2011

List of Movie Plots - Part One

* do not steal, please.
1. Mobius: Morgan Freeman stars as a ticker tape reader who has gone blind and misses reading ticker tape. His friend invents a machine to put ticker tape into braille so Morgan Freeman can read it. However, the machine is expensive and time consuming to maintain, and he has stuff to do, so eventually, his friend loops a piece of ticker tape into a mobius strip to keep Morgan Freeman occupied. However, he picked the strip at random without realizing the strip was actually from 2008 (the "qualifier" "qualifier" worst depression in "qualifier" American "qualifier" History) Morgan Freeman thinks that the world is ending every 30 minutes, but can't leave the ticker tape to tell anyone - and the information doesn't stop coming (because it's a Mobius Strip - see movie title) Ending is a surprise. Movie is in 3-D. Possible toy tie-in, if we can get a PG rating.

(more to come)

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