Sunday, March 23, 2008

Devour Knowledge, Eat a Book! (Figuratively)

Of Mice and Men.. and Mantises
Pregnant Praying Mantis welcomes eager readers back to Pregnant Praying Mantis Book Club. Today Book Club will be reading Of Mice and Men. Pregnant Praying Mantis did not very much enjoy reading Of Mice and Men. Pregnant Praying Mantis thinks that not being able to buy a farm because your simple John Malkovitch friend accidently strangled a woman is a bit more than "plans going aray" Sure, Pregnant Praying Mantis has accidently decapitated a lover or two a few seconds earlier than intended in the heat of passion, but this was no more than a slight modification of Pregnant Praying Mantis's grand plan. Perhaps the best laid plans of mice and men tend to go aray, but even the losely laid plans of Pregnant Praying Mantis certainly tend to go just fine. Pregnant Praying Mantis would like perhaps to write her own book "Of Mantises and Men" it will be an inspirering story of a young cow boy (played by John Malkovitch) who dreams of a better life and is guided by a kind and remarkably intellent as well as entreprenturing pregnant praying mantis (played by Gary Sinise in a ground breaking role.) The pregnant praying mantis plans a new business strategy for the young cow boy involving a cow-themed amusment park in the middle of the Nevada Desert. The plans of pregnant praying mantis go the exact opposite of aray, and Bovine Junction is a giantic sucess amid shouts of "Viva les Pregnant Praying Mantises!" and "Viva le Capitalism!" There would also be a touching scene in which Pregnant Praying Mantis must chose between the biological imperative of quickly killing her lover after mating, or rushing out to a very meeting with the board of directors concerning the placement of "Sour Milk Rapids." In conclusion, the best laid plans of mice and Stienbeck often result in books that Pregnant Praying Mantis doesn't care for. Join Pregnant Praying Mantis next week, when Pregnant Praying Mantis reads "The Shining"

1 comment:

Elisaboast said...

I like Pregnant Praying Mantis' viewpoint, it's definitely been missing from the larger converstation until now.
Pregnant Praying Mantis also shows a thorough grasp of academic writing-style, perhaps she audited some classes at Waseda from the window?
It almost, almost, makes me want to read the book.