Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Rocket scientist? No, I'm just a dietician.

Diets are weird.
There's the old standard:
1. Eat less

And there are jazzed up versions explaining what you should eat less of:
1. Atkins, South Beach, the Zone, Cabbage Soup, Grapefruit, etc.

For me, simple is best. If I have to spend 30 minutes understanding each meal before I eat it, no good. Unless that cuts out the actual time I spend eating, I suppose that would work. Granted, being vegan I spend a lot of time reading labels, but that's just grunt work, it doesn't tax my cognitive reasoning.
(If Vegan, and set=animals, then=don't eat)

Enter Paleo. Here's part of a description I found at :

"1. Don't eat any food that you couldn't reasonably obtain with a rock, a stick, a knife and a fire. This particularly includes soy, gluten, or dairy."

"...couldn't reasonably obtain.." it sounds like a challenge. If I can get it with a rock, can I eat it?
Why is dairy excluded? We can get that with our bare hands. I guess cheese requires cheesecloth and a bucket in addition to a big rock...are buckets out? What can I obtain with a fire? Insurance money? Really, I picture myself not eating for 2 weeks out of confusion, and then attacking business men with a stick as they come out of McDonald's.
Short-term solution at best.

1 comment:

Funny With 2 E's said...

"Will hit you with stick for your delicious soy-latte smoothie enhanced with wheat germ"