Thursday, March 13, 2008

Two recent finds to make you smile, Erin.
1. Looking at weather for Washington DC online, to the right is a frame that says "Today in Washington" and the first entry is
"1. Check area flea activity."

2. While looking at a box of Non-Pseudo Cold Relief (??), one of the indications is "helps loosen mucus and thin bronchial secretions to make coughing more productive." Are people not already multi-tasking when they cough? Slackers!Usually I'm coughing and dripping and crying at the same time.

Have a nice day!


Erin P said...

I believe coughing is only productive when there is blood or a large chunk of something that looks like an oyster.... delicious oysters...

Erin P said... which i mean the oyster SHELL... anyone can cough up something that looks like the gooy insides.

Elisaboast said...

ouch ouch ouch [lol] ouch.
Coughing up an oyster shell does sound productive, but maybe you could let it ferment in your throat/lungs for a little while first, so that you can cough up a beautiful mother-of-pearl necklace?

I did my taxes last week and I did it by coughing blood onto the form in the shapes of numbers and "x"s. I heard you get special priority if you do that.

Funny With 2 E's said...

yeah, but it's really hard to remember your social security number AND cough up the right numbers at the same time.