Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bringing Sexy Back... to the G8 Summit

No matter the size or nature of the event or organization, Japan has an intrinsic burning need to indiscriminately produce promotional goods (that will be 16 cents please, unless you want it for free from babelfish, in which case please enjoy "Commemoration commodity") And when I say burning, I mean BURNING. For example, why not celebrate your alma mater with "Meiji University Individually Wrapped Waffles" and nothing says "please for the love of good, visit Hokkaido" like "green algae in the shape of a person, wearing a jumpsuit, with a big round bulging crotch" (note that this later spawned: potato w/jumpsuite&crotch bulge, algae wearing bear costume w/crotch buldge, and about 50 other related characters)

Anyway, as the G8 Summit approaches, the goods are starting to come out:

First we have a nice little wash cloth (same design also avalible on a small note pad)

a few things to note:
1. George Bush is very much cross-eyed.
2. Putin is giving Fukuda quite the admiring look.
3. France, Germany, Italy and England are saying "ii yuu da yo" losely translated as "the water is fine" (18 cents, or you get: "good hot water shelf") -- ii yu (the good water part) sounds like E.U.


Next we have this lovely Letter Set.

Forget about global issues, fhe G8 is all about:
1. getting naked
2. getting in a line
3. washing eachother.

seriously? Didn't anyone think "maybe we shouldn't promote this major world event with a panaramic view of naked world leaders washing eachother?"

no... instead they thought....."hmm, we probably just need to throw a few animals into the mix."


Elisaboast said...

"What do you think about Merkel's stiumulus plan, Kitsune-chan?"
Seriously, is this supposed to be respectful? And why are they saying iiyu for a G8 summit? That is lame. For an EU summit, that might be hilarious, but.. I wish they had GW saying Buttobasu zo! and menacing the deer. cross-eyed is pretty good though.
I waited for 5 hours along a parade route to see the Pope drive by last weekend (worth it) and they were selling Pope buttons, flags, and t-shirts. Some of which were tasteful, and some were implying Benedict will personally bring in the Redemption with his own two blessed hands. (Benedict 16: Baptism in Blood) I didn't get one. But I WOULD'VE if they'd had the Pope, GW and Blair all washing each other with some raccoons or something.

Erin P said...

hmmm.... I think that can be arranged... Pope hats can be photoshopped onto naked Italian heads of state quite quickly these days.

Elisaboast said...

when I was your age, we had to cut and paste pope hats, by hand!!
kids these days...so freakin spoiled.

snoopieria said...

that's the most amazing hand-towel i've ever seen~!!! i want one waaaaaaaant one! where'd ya get it? huh huh huh gimme gimme gimme