Sunday, November 4, 2007

First Post: In the form of a G-Chat conversation between Elisabeth and Erin

Erin: ok.. starting........ now.......]
me: now?
Erin: umm.. crap
this is hard
me: so I was at target the other day
and the lady in front of me, with her husband, they bought some candy on sale for halloween, right?
it's 3 for $5
but they decide they don't want to buy it
so the cashier has to un-ring it up
so, she turns to the lady and says, "What's $5 divided by 3?"
and the lady is like, "dunno."
and then everyone just stands there.
for a whole minute.
Until I say, "$1.66"
Erin: ummm... don't cell phones have calculators anyway?
me: and the cashier says, "Yes! No, wait, that'd be $4.
no, yeah, okay, it's $5. You're right."
and the lady turns to me and says, "thanks."
Erin: what???
me: thank god I'm a math major, right?
what were they planning on doing if I hadn't been there?
Erin: probably stand for another minute and call a manager
me: they were just standing there, waiting for it to compute itself, magically?
you're probably right
Erin: personally, if I were there, I would have suggested that someone opens the candy, and everyone in line eats the candy
and then doesn't tell anyone
me: "I need a basic math check on lane 5..."
then they wouldn't have had to do anything
Erin: "oh wait... never mind, we ate the candy... I mean, there was never any candy!! Why did I say this on the intercom?"
Erin: (by the way, intercom should not be confused with intercon, the version of the internet that only rich people know about)
me: no, with her luck, she probably isn't too good with the intercom, either
I think context helped us with that one
Erin: and probably hasn't even HEARD of the intercon
me: 56% of Target-employed Americans haven't
Erin: although the CEO of target is probably in the know
getting rich because people are embarrassed to go to walmart
me: he is rich, after all
I have special "going to walmart sunglasses" so people don't recognize me
they've got those flamingoes and palm trees on them. keeps the crowds away

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