Sunday, November 11, 2007

that's right bitches, my cats LIKE wearing clothes!

So my cats LOVE wearing clothes, and not in a "Oh! my toy poodle Fifi just loves her sweater!" (because it keeps her from freezing to death), but rather, they actually just like wearing stuff... collars, christmas ornaments, t-shirts, towels... anything. I assumed this would be a rather accepted custom here in Japan, where you routinely see dogs wearing puffy jackets, rain boots, overalls, goggles, track suits, tiaras and mittens (I assumed that having an opposable thumb was a generally accepted prerequisite for owning mittens... but apparently, no) When I took Taco and Lilou to the park to show of their halloween costumes (Butterfly and Cat Being Eaten by Snake) they were met with more than a few silent disapproving glances. (Meanwhile, random dog wearing shiny track suit, sneakers and goggles gets the "Yes, good doggy style... that's what she said" look of approval. Then this weekend, I come across a giant palette of clearance doggy clothes at Japanese Wal-Mart, they are all of course, horrendously out of style, but Taco and Lilou don't really care WHAT they wear, as long as it's something. So we picked out a little red dotted dress for Lilou, and a sporty tank top for Taco, and filled the rest of the cart with cat litter and cat food. When we go to pay, the lady looks at me funny and says "what's with all the cat food and dog clothes?" (assuming I had bought food for the wrong animal) I told her the clothes were for the cats, and she looked at me as if I said I was going to put the clothes on feral squirrels in the park. So apparently, whatever hellish thing you can get your dog to wear = ok. Cute tank-top for Taco = weirdo! Either way, the cats loved the clothes, Taco strutted in front of the window in his new tank-top, flapping his tail around and purring so hard that he actually started breathing heavily. Let's see mitten-dog do that!

1 comment:

Funny With 2 E's said...

probably what it was, is, she thought you were buying the dog clothes to put on feral squirrels (like you said), and she wanted to let you know that they HAVE a feral squirrel section, and that putting clothes on cats is sick sick sick! you sick person! If she saw you putting clothes on your cats, even in the privacy of your own international embassy, she would yell CHIKAN! and go immediately to the koban.

just because it's hilarious doesn't make it okay.